Anthem Launch Crashes PS4, Some Players Get Refunds

EA's mega MMO shooter Anthem is hitting a really rough launch. Not only were fans confused by its weird, unclear mid February launch date, but as soon as the game actually launched, the game had more bugs than a restroom in an Australian gas station.

Some bugs, however, were a lot worse than others, and none were worse than the bugs PS4 players are experiencing. Apparently, some player's entire PS4 would just randomly power off when loading any stages or menus. We're not talking about the PS4 randomly entering a shutdown process, where it sits for a few seconds unloading the RAM or shutting down the hard drive; we're talking about a PS4 randomly losing all power, and just instantly being off for seemingly no reason.

PS4 consoles are functionally identical to desktop PCs with regard to how its hardware works. If you were to just randomly unplug the power from you PC while it was on, you risk damaging your PC's hardware. The PS4 is no different. A random power outage could cause permanent damage to the hardware that could effect things like the Hard Drive, and even the GPU.

EA Reached out to players experiencing this catastrophic bug on their Q&A Forums, and several users responded with a wide variety of different crashes. Some crashes simply sent users back to the home screen, others caused the whole PS4 to spontaneously cut the power to the system.

Thankfully, some time in early march, BioWare has issued a patch that the developer believes will fix several bugs related to the crash.
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