Tiny Dangerous Dungeons Review (Android)

If you have ever seen a screenshot of TinyDD, chances are, it's exactly what you think it is. It's a low-resolution game-boy "inspired" side-scrolling platformer that plays like a puzzle game.


Ever since Fez, Meta-as-fuck hipsters have been trying their damnedest to siphon that Indie cred like month-old babies on their mother's tits. The graphics in this game are a throwback to the old fatass GameBoy with the Dot Matrix display, and it does a fine job of it.


Imagine a game so hipster, that you control Ellen Page as she travels her way through every weird coffee shop that isn't Starbucks on a quest to defeat the evil Justin Beiber and his army of mainstream pop musicians. That may not be what this game is about, but it mine as well be. You jump over and avoid enemies that are too busy doing battle with their crippling O.C.D. to be bothered trying to attack you. Eventually you can get weapons, assuming you don't get bored or lose interest trying to find them in this labyrinth-esque side-scrolling maze.


Like any good, or shitty Android game, the controls are visible on the screen.This game only contain about 3 buttons. Left, Right, and Jump. That's it. I don't know how they did it, but they managed to be even more Retro than the actual Gameboy itself. Nice going.

On a side note, you wanna know what really pisses me off about this game? And I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but This game -which clings to the retro theme- can run just fine on a 1024 x 600 screen, yet can't seem to figure out how to function on a cellphone with a 320 x 240 screen. Are you kidding me? Let me remind you that this game is modelled after the GameBoy, which has a 160 x 144 pixel rez, and they can't seem to figure out how to get it to run properly on my LG L3 II?

All and All, this game is good for what it is, and manages to nail what it is trying to be.

Publisher: Adventure Islands
Rating: E (Everyone)
Genre: Action
Platform: Android

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