The upcoming Apple TV is a game console

Apple just blew everyone's minds with the announcement that the Apple TV. That thing that doesn't like YouTube for some reason and looks like a Tron legacy hockey puck; is Apple's latest attempt to challenge a home console market largely dominated by Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo.

With the advent of the iPhone back in 2007, Apple accidentally dominated the mobile gaming market, and changed the face of the handheld gaming scene since. Just imagine what this hipster-dominated powerhouse company could accomplish when it tackles the gaming scene on purpose?

This isn't Apple's first attempt to cash in on the home console market. Back when Apple was run by people who had no idea what the hell they were doing, They released the notorious Apple Bandai Pippin: A $600 computer-console-thing with a 56K modem that had like a handful of games.

With this new announcement, Apple appears confident that they've learned from the mistakes of their past, and are ready to take on the big players in console gaming. Let's hope it isn't anything like this:

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